“Dear brothers of the newly formed Reformed Presbyterian Church of Eurasia,
Congratulations on the formation of this new presbytery. It has been my privilege to meet you both in Russia and in the United States, to have some of you in my church and hometown, and to serve you in supporting the work of Blake Purcell as evangelist to the Russian-speaking peoples. May God strengthen you for the tasks ahead of you. May He help you to fight manfully against the sin that so easily besets us; may He help you together to bring the Gospel of the Lordship of Christ to Eurasia, and may He help you to give Him glory in your churches and in the RPCE.
With brotherly affection in the bonds of Christ,”
Congratulations on forming the new Eurasian Presbytery! I think this is good and wise to do so for many reasons, but here are two:
1) Blake and SRS have always believed Eurasians knows best how to minister to Eurasians. God gives us Americans a good idea to share with you every now and then, but, you know best!
2) As we all know, relationships between USA and Russia wax and wane. There may be a time in near future where our governments make it even more difficult to work with one another. Eurasia needs this presbytery, and they need it now. Better to go to a neighbor nearby when calamity strikes (Proverbs 27:10).
Father, thank you for these men and their desire to serve You. Thank you for the opportunity to plant a new seed in Eurasia. As this community grows, I pray that Eurasia, and the world, will know them by the good fruit they bear(Matthew7:16). And I pray these men will do whatever it takes to ensure their new seed grows to bear good fruit. I ask that, as long as their community bears good fruit, that you prosper it in the way that brings You the most glory. In Jesus name I pray, Amen.”
“Good morning Blake. Greetings in the Lord,
I know that Doug Wilson has written a letter of blessing from the CREC for the new Eurasian Presbytery and I want to add my personal blessing as well. Tomorrow morning we (Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church of Nacogdoches, TX) will pray publicly for God to prosper your efforts to advance the work of His church through the ministry of SRS and the new presbytery (see below). May the Lord enable us all to find ways to cooperate and work together for His kingdom’s sake. Thank you all for you faithful service to our King.
Our great God and Father, who did make of one blood all the nations of men who live on the earth, and who did send Your Son Jesus Christ to all those who had “no hope and were without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus those who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of Christ.” Bless the people of our nations that they might seek after You, and hasten the fulfillment of Your promise to pour out Your Spirit upon all flesh.
We are grateful for the opportunities to give of ourselves and our possessions to carry the gospel to people in every place where people lack what we have been blessed with. Not to us, but to You, O Lord, be the glory and the praise for the light that is sent into the darkness. Keep from us all false pride, complacency and indifference toward the lost. Help us to have ever before our eyes the truth that “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners.”
And now, we ask your blessings on all our brothers and sister in Russia, and especially on this day we ask for special anointing upon the formation of the Eurasian Presbytery and the ministry of the Slavic Reformation Society. Guide them, protect them, establish them and prosper them in their labors. May they be a blessing to their country and to the world. Grant them Your peace.
And this we ask in the name of Him who died and rose again for the whole world. AMEN.”
“Over the past years, Christ Covenant Presbyterian Church in Lexington, Kentucky has had the honor of supporting the Slavic Reformation Society. We indeed rejoice in the establishment of this presbytery in Eurasia, that the kingdom of God will spread across this vast land. Through the diligent laboring of teaching and ruling elders within this new presbytery, we pray for the blessing of the Holy Spirit to open the hearts of men and women to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We long to see God’s kingdom come and His will be done in Eurasia as it is in heaven.
May the bless you, may the Lord’s face shine upon you and give you peace.”
“Foundation Church of Ohio and your brothers and sisters of Covenant Presbyterian Church denomination rejoice with all of you in St. Petersburg tonight!! Our hearts and mouths burst with praises to God for what God has wrought in Eurasia. We pray God will continue to knit us all together in love as His Kingdom comes and His will is done on earth, as it is in heaven.
Your friend and co-laborer in the Gospel.”
“Blake, please extend my heartfelt congratulations to everyone involved in this historic effort! I’m humbled to be a small part of God’s mighty work throughout Eurasia to bring us to this point in history. In John 15:5 Jesus reveals that the key to producing much fruit is to remain in Him because we can do nothing without Him. So I thank each one of you for remaining in Him over the years and recognizing the truth that we can’t do anything of eternal significance outside of Christ. Men can build great cities and create technological wonders but only Jesus Christ can build the church. In the same way the Ezra’s people sang “For He is good; His faithful love to Israel endures forever,” when they had laid the foundation of the temple, you too have laid a strong foundation for the church. So let us say together, ‘For He is good; His faithful love to Eurasia endures forever.’
In Christ,
“Congratulations from the Brandon family and Christ the King Church of Springfield, Mo.”