Your church is invited to join the Russia Partnership. HopeRussia has faithful supporting churches from several different Reformed denominations. The Russia Partnership exists to increasingly share stewardship and oversight of this ministry with our US supporting churches, so we can plant more Gospel-centered churches throughout the Russian-speaking world. The life of the partnership centers around an annual meeting which toggles back and forth between Russia (on even-numbered years) and a rotation of US churches (on odd-numbered years). Due to the travel embargo, the meetings in Russia on even-numbered years have been moved to Turkey for the time being.
This partnership is a new thing for us. Structural details are gradually falling into place. But HopeRussia’s leadership desires for the partnership to grow in influence over the ministry as the details coalesce over the next year or so. Your church is invited to be part of the discussion. The bottom line is: we want God’s kingdom to grow in one of the world’s very dark places, where only 1.5 percent of the population are evangelical believers.
Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, AL has joined the Russia Partnership. After traveling to Russia to visiting our ministry, Briarwood’s Global Missions Pastor, Bryan Wintersteen had this to say,
Briarwood’s Bryan Wintersteen (left) with Russian pastors on Red Square in front of St. Basil’s Cathedral.
“I’m so glad that Briarwood Presbyterian Church has found out about HopeRussia, and that we’ve had a chance to go and see first hand. I think that the opportunity is critical right now for churches to make a strategic investment in HopeRussia. They’re ordaining godly leaders in the Reformed Faith. They are seeing evangelism and discipleship taking place. And they are planting churches among people who desperately need the gospel. One third of their pastors have been reached through drug and alcohol rehab. And now these men whose lives have been set right with Christ are going out with the gospel as ambassadors and ministers in the name of Christ, having been set free. And now they are taking this hope of the gospel to others’ lives and planting churches. HopeRussia is training these through their Reformed seminary in St. Petersburg, and now they’re planting churches. It’s been remarkable. The time for investment is now. If you want to make an impact for the gospel across the Russian-speaking world, now is the time to invest.”
Russia Partnership Church Commitments
Send a representative to the annual meeting.
Annual giving threshold for voting membership: $5,000. Churches presently giving below the threshold are welcome to attend and participate.