Rev. Evgenyi Kruzhkov
Vice President: Eurasia & Seminary Rector
In addition to planting a church in Moscow, Rev. Kruzkhov oversees the seminary intensive courses and all HopeRussia activities that take place in Russia.
To learn more about Evgeniy’s work and how you can support us through prayer and giving, CLICK HERE.
Natalia Mironova, Office Administrator
I came to work in the Biblical Theological Seminary in 2000, but I heard of Blake Purcell and his family much earlier, in 1991-1992, when I was a student of St. Petersburg Pedagogical University. My friend was in Blake’s Bible study group and told me about “one missionary who plays basketball and studies the Bible with the students”. A couple years later, when I was going to look for a job, my phone rang and Blake asked me to type some materials in English to put them online – online versions of the books were almost a dream at that time! Blake knew I had worked in the American-based missionary organization and could type both in Russian and English. When delivering the translated articles to Blake, he offered to work at the Seminary and I understood that God provided a job for me.
I hold the position of Office Administrator. It is a privilege to be a part of this team and be able to use all my God-given gifts for Hope Russia's ministry in Eurasia. My main responsibilities are: archiving academic and professional documents, translating & proofreading, bookkeeping, obtaining travel documentation for visiting professors, purchasing tickets and making reservations for seminary students.
Reverend Blake Purcell, Founder and President
Blake and Cathy Purcell moved with their three children to Leningrad in 1990 and became some of the first Evangelical missionaries allowed to live in the Soviet Union post the Communist Revolution of 1917.
Cathy Purcell, Ministry to Students' and Pastors' Wives
Michael D Rasmussen, PhD, Vice President: North America; Professor of Biblical Studies
Web Staff
Morgan Purcell, Web Designer
Hannah Montgomery, Web Designer
Board of Directors
Blake Purcell, Member at Large +682 333 2854
David Briar, Treasurer
Bob Brandon, Member at Large
Michael Rasmussen, Member at Large
Douglas Roorda, Member at Large
Board Members, Staff, and key supporters of Hope Russia (2016)
Louisville, MS (2016) - Men and women from across North America and Russia gathered at Quail Ridge Lodge, just south of Louisville, MS, October 3-5 to pray and work for the growth and progress of Hope Russia. Ministry leaders from various denominations labored side-by-side to plan for the future of the ministry and to encourage the Rev. Blake Purcell, the man through whom the ministry of Hope Russia to the peoples of the former Soviet Union has already made so much progress. The meeting was attended by 26 individuals from various parts of North America and Russia.
Hope Russia is committed to providing pastoral training for men of the nations of the former Soviet Union and to help those men establish faithful churches in those regions.