Please pray for the Kruzhkovs who are in Omsk city, Russia, now. They have filed their documents to get Russian citizenship.
Gifts came in from 39 individuals and families and 17 churches. Many churches gave love offerings, above and beyond their budgeted giving...The Lord is obviously moving North American churches to suffer with their brethren in the more oppressed parts of the world and we thank Him for His faithfulness and mercies through believers and churches like you and yours!
We need to find 100 people who will pray for the church in Moscow and for #RenewRussia2016. We have already raised $42,000 for #RenewRussia2016, but we still need another $58,000 to make it possible for the church in Dmitrov and other ministries to continue.
Will you be one out of one hundred?
With very mixed feelings I want to introduce you to Vlad and Ella Nevjidovsky and their family. Vlad has been a ruling elder and preacher in the Reformed Presbyterian Church of St. Petersburg since 2002.
The Board of SRS has designated May-June as #RenewRussia2016. Please check out our quick report detailing our needs and how you can get involved.