Join the Reformed Presbyterian Church of St. Petersburg in its fifth anniversary celebration! Five years ago two Presbyterian churches from St. Petersburg and Pushkin merged into one. Since that time God has richly blessed the new church by bringing many young people and new families.
Wonderful Opening in Closed Country
Help SRS Bring Peace on Earth This Christmas
Praise God for Generous Gifts for Sasha
Sheep in the Midst of Wolves: Please Join Us in Online Prayer This Saturday
Jesus said in Matthew 10:16, Behold, I am sending you out as sheep in the midst of wolves, so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves.
SRS Pastors Evgeniy Kruzhkov and Oleg Volkov feel called to do just what the Lord said, to be sent out as sheep among wolves.
September 29 - October 5, they are going to teach our first ever intensive seminary course in a closed country. Oleg will teach on personal discipleship, and Evgeniy on Covenant Theology from Genesis.
For hosting or participating in this secret intensive course-- they and the national students could be arrested, fined 50 times their monthly salary, and/or given a 3-year prison term.
Welcome to the new SRS website!
PCA Leaders Work With Russian Speaking Pastors to Build the Kingdom of God in Eurasia
Churches of the Pacific North West Presbytery of the РСА Moved as They Heard How SRS Eurasian Pastors Brave Disease, Oppression and Deprivation for the Sake of Christ
One Eurasian pastor was а former member of organized crime and now because his family ministers to the poor, many of whom have come to Christ, he and his wife and daughter have contracted а very dangerous disease. One pastor's church, he shared, meets in а 15' bу 8' living room in а deacon's apartment. The third pastor's congregation cannot bу law meet in public until his church has 50 charter members, which will not happen unless he is able to meet in public.