Rev. Rob Rayburn, PhD, Tacoma WA

Rob and Florence Rayburn enjoy a photo of Anatoli Terekhin’s adorable little daughters, ages 2 and 4.

“It was a great honor and pleasure for me to meet these men and to contribute in some small way to their life and work. They struck me as men who love the Lord and want very much to serve him faithfully; but also as men who face great obstacles. Virtually all of them are first generation Christians, most from troubled backgrounds. So, moving forward, they must surmount that personal background, a culture that is hostile to genuine Christian conviction, the limitations of their education, and especially the current political turmoil.  

Blake Purcell takes a turn translating Rob Rayburn’s lecture into Russian.

But earnestness, determination, and perseverance is evident and, of course, HopeRussia is providing an education that would otherwise be simply impossible to obtain.  

Reformed theology is new to them, but it seemed to me they are taking to it with relish. There were tears, good humor, and deep conversation in abundance. To contribute to these men’s pilgrimage and ministry is a privilege indeed.”

Church Planter Pavel Lazovski, St. Petersburg

Pavel Lazovski leads Sunday morning worship while Graham Purcell translates for the Americans.

“I enjoyed spending time with brothers from the USA. This time there were more of them and there was more time to get to know each other. I hope that the intensive courses can return to St. Petersburg very soon. But even after the war ends, I also hope we can take trips outside of Russia at least occasionally, since it brings us closer both to our fellow students and to our friends from the States. I especially thank God for our brother Greg Zhelezny, he worked so hard this time both teaching and translating!”

Shuli Cohen, Perimeter Church Liaison, Atlanta GA

Shuli Cohen introduced Perimeter Church to the group, while Greg Zhelezny translated into Russian for our students.

“The trip was a memorable one in many ways. I am privileged to witness first-hand the love inside the Christian community in spite of international tensions. Greg Zhelezny showed such dedication in his teaching and translating session after session. Mike Rasmussen humbled himself to be the designated driver to take people from/to the airport, tour around town, and a long drive to and back from Ephesus. Despite personal loss and grief, Blake and Cathy Purcell not only showed up at the intensive but also facilitated training sessions, leisure time activities, and devotionals. I also enjoyed the fellowship time with the wives. Most impressive are the students (the Russian pastors). They came with an earnest desire to learn how to best pastor their flock. They came to be equipped for their work in serving God and His people.

Here’s Shuli with the group that toured Ephesus.

A personal note – as someone born in China, this trip helped to change my misconception of who “missionaries” are. In Chinese history, the early missionaries came to China onboard opium ships. I used to be resentful of them because they did not act against the atrocity of opium addiction but instead had been in cahoots with them. But seeing how Blake, Greg and the Russians interact, how they love one another regardless of the world affairs, how they exemplify Christ, I know this is the way it is supposed to be. John 13:35 “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” I am grateful and honored to be part of the trip. Thank you for including me!”