Some Recent Endorsements
From a Supporting Church…
Dear Co-Laborers in Christ,
Our church has supported Hope Russia for many years. This month, our elders decided to double our monthly mission support for this very worthy international ministry for several reasons.
First, the operational philosophy of Hope Russia. This ministry provides discipleship training for Russian pastors and church leaders across the vast expanse of that nation. They do his through periodic intensive courses in St. Petersburg and through ongoing targeted individual discipleship efforts. By these two primary approaches, Hope Russia reaches pastors and church leaders, who in turn reach the Russian population through their respective local church ministries. It’s a highly efficient and very biblical form of evangelism.
Second, the Russian pastors themselves. I had the privilege of visiting St. Petersburg in March 2019 to teach one of the intensives, and I saw their faces. I shared in their worship and in their prayers. I broke bread with them. These men are our brothers, and they are hungry for solid instruction in the Word of God. They are serious about what they are doing, and they are willing to suffer for the Gospel. In many cases, they and their families have already suffered, but they are not daunted by that ongoing challenge.
Third and finally, the leadership of the Hope Russia mission. It’s a well-run organization with responsible accounting and diligent, purposeful direction. I sat in on one of their planning sessions and spoke at length with Blake, Mike, and Graham. These men know what they are doing, and they are intent upon reaching the Russian nation that our Lord Jesus has claimed for Himself, and like Him, they will accomplish the objective.
Paul Edgar
Elder, Tri-City Covenant Church, New Hampshire
From a Family in the SouthEast…
A few months ago, we increased our monthly giving to HopeRussia because we are committed to church planting and theological education in unchurched Russia. God has blessed us, so we want to share his blessing to help his kingdom grow.
Andrew & Katie in Georgia